Nina Östman, artist (f.d. Ericson)
Born 1954
Living in Stockholm and Hälsingland
Art education
2001-2002 Royal Academy of Art, Stockholm
1995-1996 University of Arts, Crafts and Design
1994-1995 University of Arts, Crafts and Design
1993-1994 University of Stockholm. Art history
1992-1993 University of Uppsala. Women´s art history
1991-1992 University of Stockholm. Art history
Basic education & courses
2014 Metacommunication. Huvudleden
2008 Public art consultant. The Swedish North Art Center
2005-2006 Agricultural history. University of Uppsala SLU
2002 Gabrielle Roth´s 5Rhythms. Liberating dance leader
2001 Shaping technique workshop, plastic technique workshop
1998 Public art education, State Art Council/Swedish employment
1986 The Theater Studio & Jordcircus improvisation courses
1981-1982 Biskops Arnö, folk high school
1980-1981 GFU photographic education
1975-1976 Berghs School of Communication
1974-1975 Poppius School
Separate exhibitions
2018 Halsingegarden
2016 Hoffman Gallery, Stockholm
2010 The Lamb Cathedral, Alfta
2003 The Staff Church, Gavle
2003 TCG Nordica Art Gallery, Kunming, China.
1998 Nacka Church
1997 Art Academy, Stockholm
1996 Skövde Art Gallery
1995 Museum Anna Nordlander, Skellefteå
1994 Sundsvalls Museum
1993 Rosendal´s garden, Stockholm
1990 Gavle County Museum
1993 Billedhuset, Copenhagen
1986 Gauss gallery, Stockholm
1985 Olle Olsson house, Solna
1981 Camera Obscura gallery, Stockholm
Group exhibitions
2003 Moviken Art
2003 Art Center Gavle. Talk to me (Swe, Pol, Finl)
2001-2003 Art Center, Gavle. Netopi.
1999 The Botanic garden,Uppsala. Parcsallat
1999 Sandviken Art Gallery
1998 State art council, Stockholm. Ockelbo is a nice place -The Iron Lady
1997 Halsingland Museum, Hudiksvall
1996 Läckö Castle. The Collection of Swedish Celebrities
1995 University of Arts, crafts and design, Stockholm
1991 The Culture House, Stockholm.Tvetydigt
1986 Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm
1983 Museum of Modern Art, Stockholm
1982 Museum of Modern Art & Photography, Stockholm
Documentaries & Videos
2020, 2014 Documentary K-Special, SVT. The struggle for world heritage
2005 Documentary SVT. Vad hände med Sörgårn?
2005 Children documentary for SVT. Country life
2003-2007 Children documentaries for SVT. Alice from China, Alice go to China, Alice start school
1997 Art video. Enfant Terrible
1997 Art video. Mating Dance
1992 Children improvisation theather. Helge & Gloria
1990 Short film. Hello my wife – Goddag min fru
Prizes and awards
1999-2025 Sweden’s Author fund
2003 Swedish Institute
1996 Sweden’s Author fund
1995 Visual Artist fund
1994 Visual Artist fund
1993 Thureus research home fund
1991 County Gavleborg
1991 Visual Artist fund
1991 Swedish Author fund
1986 Visual Artist fund
1985 Solna Municipality
1984 Swedish Author fund
1984 Swedish Book Art
1984 Swedish Form
The Museum om Modern Art, Sweden
The municipality of Solna, Soderhamn, Sundsvall, Örebro, Bollnas
Halsingland Museum
The County Museum, Gavle
Sundsvalls Museum
Museum Anna Nordlander, Skellefteå
Art Museum, Skövde
State Art Council, Sweden
Nacka Church, Sweden
The County of Gavleborg – Gavle hospital
Uppsala University
Private Art Collectors & Art Associations
2008-2017 Over my dead body. PDF digital book
2009 What do you do man? Norstedts
2007 The Chicken Book, Prisma
2006 Alice from China, Alfabeta
2005 The Sheep Book, Prisma
1999 Love and Buns, art book, Arena
1999-2004 The Red Color, Prisma (Sv, Eng, Ty)
1998-2004 The House Bible, Prisma
1998 About Gardens, Prisma
1993 Rosendals Garden, Tiden (Sweden, Denmark)
1991 Children, LUCIDA Art Photo, Alfabeta (Sw, Eng)
1990 Time & Timeless, Norstedts
1983 Klader, Brombergs (Sv, No, USA)
Journals & Magazines, by selection
The magazine KRO/Konstnären, Hjärnstorm, Provins, Kvinnovetenskaplig tidskrift, Bang, Balder, Tidningen Vi, Form, Arkitektur, Hemslöjden, DN, Expressen, Aftonbladet, Lantliv, Gård & Torp m.fl.